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Voting is open for your favourite hydrogen & fuel cell success story and innovation

The FCH JU will be hosting the second edition of its Awards at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Brussels on Weds 20th November, the evening before the FCH JU Stakeholder Forum. This is free to attend, but prior registration is required. Please register here for FCH JU Program Review Days, Awards, and Stakeholder Forum before Tuesday 12th November.

Voting is also now open for your favourite hydrogen & fuel cell success story and innovation:

–        Best success story: Vote here for the best hydrogen & fuel cells success story

–        Best Innovation: Vote here for the best FCH JU project innovation

Voting for both categories closes on Tuesday 19th November at 11:00

The FCH JU Awards celebrate the work of its most successful and innovative projects. Fuel cell and hydrogen technology has made enormous progress in Europe during the past years. The FCH JU Awards event is free to attend, and the evening will highlight the benefits of collaboration between research, industry and policy makers in a European partnership which delivers the best innovations and accelerates the transition to a greener world.

Fuel cell and hydrogen (FCH) innovation demonstrates how collaboration between research, industry and policymakers in European partnerships has delivered world-class solutions and accelerated the energy transition to a greener world. Each of the innovations shortlisted for this award exemplifies the FCH JU’s focus on research, development and continuous learning – be it creating low-carbon and sustainable solutions or opening new markets for FCH expertise. The project partners leading the winning innovation will receive the award.

The FCH JU Best Outreach Award will also be announced on 20th November. This award recognises the projects who are maximising their outreach and show communications excellence in raising the visibility of fuel cells and hydrogen technology. The winner of this award is chosen internally by the FCH JU Programme office.

Prior registration to attend the awards is compulsory, and participation is by confirmation only. You can participate in the awards if you register for it as part of the FCH JU Programme Review Days / Stakeholder Forum. If you cannot attend the FCH JU Programme Review Days / Stakeholder Forum and you would only like to participate in the awards, please send the FCH JU an email and they will consider your request.